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The Neurolicity Team has been


Autism & ADHD 
Neurocoaching & Neuromentoring

An Invitation Only Service for High-Achieving Autistic & ADHD Women 

Our neurocoaching & neuromentoring are invitation only services due to our 
highly-sought specialized approach.

Jess Pliszka and Jodi Pliszka offer neurocoaching & neuromentoring that requires a high level of commitment to make progress in sessions. Through a highly personalized and action-oriented approach, Jess & Jodi collaborate with clients to create a completely tailored neurocoaching and neuromentoring experience. During sessions, clients work with Jess & Jodi to implement a variety of cutting-edge techniques, such as cognitive priming, behavior modification, and evaluation of self-imposed expectations and beliefs. Jess & Jodi firmly believe that clients' success in neurocoaching and neuromentoring is a direct reflection of the effort they invest in the process. For a client to benefit from neurocoaching or neuromentoring, their commitment to progress is necessary.

As the only specialists who exclusively assist high-achieving Autistic and ADHD women, Jess & Jodi's services are highly-sought. Therefore, Jess & Jodi only work with hand-picked clients who they know will succeed in the neurocoaching and neuromentoring they offer because this approach is not a good fit for everyone. Only highly dedicated clients who are committed to making progress, learning, and reaching their goals are considered for this service.

If you resonate with the approach above and are an action-taking, high-achieving woman who would like to request to become an exclusive client of Jess Pliszka or Jodi Pliszka, you are welcome to contact us below.


A Short-Term, Goal-Focused, & Structured Action-Oriented Approach

What is Neurocoaching?

  • Short-term and Goal-focused: Neurocoaching is typically a short-term engagement that focuses on achieving specific goals.
  • Action-oriented: This approach is action-driven, with an emphasis on helping you develop strategies and take steps towards your objectives.
  • Structured Framework: Neurocoaching involves a structured framework that guides the sessions, with clear milestones and outcomes.

Neurocoaching is a structured and personalized approach that helps you create an action plan to achieve your goals, find your purpose, and strengthen your sense of self, while learning about your neurodivergence and needs. The process of neurocoaching is shorter-term, aiming to help you achieve specific goals. The neurocoaching process facilitates structured conversations through a solution-focused approach. With a focus on the present and future, your neurocoach will be your partner throughout your journey, working collaboratively with you to develop a deep human connection and bond based on honesty and openness. 

  • Develop effective routines and schedules to manage time better.
  • Create systems to keep track of tasks, documents, and personal items.
  • Build confidence and self-worth.
  • Enhance interpersonal skills and improve relationships.
  • Establish healthy habits and routines for physical and mental well-being
  • ​Learn techniques to manage emotions and cope with stress.

Start the screening process to see if you're a good fit for our neurocoaching services, and apply to become an exclusive client, below.


A Longer-Term, Supportive, Guidance-Focused, & Journey-Driven Approach

What is Neuromentoring?

  • Long-term Support: Neuromentoring provides a longer-term relationship, offering sustained support and guidance.
  • ​Journey-focused: This approach is tailored to assist you in understanding and embracing your neurodivergence, focusing on the entire journey rather than just the destination.
  • Guidance and Empowerment: Neuromentoring emphasizes guidance, personal growth, and empowerment, helping you to navigate your path with confidence over time.

Neuromentoring involves a supportive and empathetic approach tailored to your unique needs as an Autistic or ADHD woman. Your neuromentor provides not only expertise but also a deep understanding of neurodivergence, creating a supportive and inclusive environment. The process of neuromentoring is longer-term, allowing for the development of strategies that cater to the your specific learning and coping mechanisms. It's a collaborative journey where you and your neuromentor work together to harness strengths, navigate challenges, and achieve personal growth and success in a way that respects and celebrates your neurodivergence.

  • Navigate how to maintain your privacy and comfort while handling the demands of a public life, tailored to your unique needs as a neurodivergent woman who values personal space and quiet moments.
  • Learn to distinguish between genuine friendships and those who seek association for personal gain or public status.
  • Prioritize privacy by oversharing less, safeguarding your personal space and boundaries.
  • Embrace the journey of self-discovery, distinguishing your authentic self from the public image you present to the world.
  • ​Foster healthy and authentic relationships with yourself and with others by learning how to understand, label, and express your emotions and build your emotional intelligence.

Start the screening process to see if you're a good fit for our neuromentoring services, and apply to become an exclusive client, below.

Session Options

We want to ensure that your neurocoaching or neuromentoring experience is as comfortable as possible for you. To accommodate each client's unique needs, we offer three different session options to you.

  • Video sessions: a standard virtual face-to-face meeting where you and your specialist both have your cameras on.
  • Audio sessions: a meeting where you and your specialist leave your microphones on, but don't need to turn your cameras on.
  • Chat sessions: a meeting where you chat via written communication with your specialist, without needing to show up on camera or speak verbally.

You Will Feel Happier & Healthier

As Neurodivergent Specialists and Neurodivergent Women, it's our mission to use our expertise to help you feel better. We will meet you where you are currently at in life. We'll work collaboratively with you to set obtainable goals, while helping you with effective communication and coping skills, increased resilience and self-esteem, and positive self-reflection.

Neurocoaching and Neuromentoring 
Will Improve Your Life

Neurocoaching and neuromentoring will offer you the right amount of guidance and support needed to help you find your way toward a better life. Even if you are feeling a little lost right now, we can help guide you to making positive, long-lasting changes in your life.

Neurocoaching and neuromentoring can help you:

  • Find true happiness in life, again.
  • ​Reduce your stress and find peace and contentment.
  • ​Help you gain control over your thoughts and worry so you can live a happy life.
  • ​Help you find direction in life with less anxiety.

It's not always easy navigating through your challenges and sometimes it feels down right difficult, but there is good news: there is always hope, and there is always a way to help you feel better. We have the empathy and experience to help be your guide.

You Are Welcome To Apply To Become an Exclusive Client, Below

You'll be provided with a safe and soothing space, and we will offer you a variety of simple tools you can use to help you unveil your untapped potential. 

You deserve to feel heard and be understood. Humor, empathy, and a caring environment are the keys to your success, and we can offer you all of this, plus more. 

Start the screening process to see if you're a good fit for our neurocoaching or neuromentoring services, below.

Change Your Brain

Change Your Behavior

Neuroscience & Neurodiversity

Our integration of neurocoaching and neuromentoring serves a dual definition with "neuro" being short for both "neuroscience" and "neurodiversity."

So, what does the integration of neuroscience into our practice look like?

You can learn how to change your brain in order to change your behavior. Think of it like this, we have the "instruction manual" that teaches you how to use your brain (kind of like stereo instructions). This can be really complicated to do on your own, but we simplify everything and make it super simple for you to understand!

And what does the integration of neurodiversity into our practice look like?

We believe that you deserve to understand how your unique brain works at a scientific level, in a simplified manner. Through psychoeducation, we will teach you how and why your Autistic and/or ADHD traits affect you and the processes in the brain that lead to these characteristics. 

You will become knowledgeable about various neurodivergent terminologies which will help you understand your various thought processes and behaviors. We will work with you and create a personalized plan that will help you understand your unique neurodivergent traits, and validate your own experience.

The Power of


By thinking into the future, you create new neural sequences that allow your brain to feel like this event has already happened. 
This way of thinking allows you to move into the ideal mindset; having a fact-based attitude that will train your brain into helping you find a way to make this happen. 

The unconscious part of your mind actually makes these events happen. Since we only use 5% of our conscious mind, it’s not in your best interest to try to control this part of your mind for success. 

It’s best to learn how to control the other 95% of the mind, the unconscious part of your brain. If you work on reprogramming your current thoughts & actions, you can turbo-charge your brain for success.

What Are 

Limiting Beliefs & Inner Conflicts?

You’ve hit a plateau. You are spinning your wheels trying to find a solution to your problems.
Most high-achieving women feel like there just isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done and keep asking themselves, “how will I ever finish everything I need to get done?” We help you identify your inner conflicts and limited beliefs.

The little voice of fear starts entering your head and self-doubt starts creeping in. You start saying things like “I’m not good enough” or “why am I not normal?"

Soon, you begin comparing yourself to others and doubting yourself about every little thing.

Maybe you have let fear and anxiety infiltrate your life and overwhelm has set in and you are feeling burned out. You are starting to realize that you're taking one step forward and two steps back and getting nowhere.

The days, weeks, and months are melting away and you are getting anxious about the lack of progress that you are making. Maybe you are so overwhelmed that some days you just don’t feel like doing anything. 

You start doing "busy work" to feel important, but you are distracted and procrastinating. These feelings multiply your fear of not moving forward and the loop of doom continues. 
You need to learn to harness these feelings and use fear to fuel your success fire.
You'll identify what your inner conflicts and limited beliefs are. The inner conflict is like a wall that is keeping you stuck where you are right now from where you want to be. 

We want you to understand that the problem isn’t that you have something "wrong with you" or have limited resources to move forward, or that there are other people doing what you’re trying to do already…the problem is your negative internal beliefs and maladaptive expectations for yourself.
You are unaware that you have a belief or expectation that isn’t congruent with your current goals and plan of action. 
On one hand, you want a big friend group, but on the other hand, you feel like maintaining friendships is exhausting and not something you enjoy. You want to make friends, but you don't think that's possible.

Until you identify your inner conflicts and expectations, that wall between what you want to do and what you are doing now will remain up. Identifying the difference between what you truly desire and what you feel you "should" have or do is the key to your success.

We will help you deconstruct negative self- or societal-imposed limitations and expectations. Together, we will identify your neurodivergent traits and you will learn how to embrace your uniqueness, while working with your brain, instead of working 
against it.

What Is

Cognitive Priming?

The old adage “To See It Is to Believe It” is backward. It should be “Believe It and See It Happen.”
It’s just like an actor reading a script and getting into character. They believe that they are channeling the person with whom they are portraying. 

This belief helps us see the character on screen. For professional athletes, they use this same technique which is called “cognitive priming.” 

A diver will see the dive unfold in their mind before they even step on the platform. They will see the twists, the body posture, the execution, and the entry into the water with precision. 

They believe that they can make the dive with perfection, and then they see the results unfold as they enter the water with no splash at all.

Neuroscience shows that the brain doesn’t know the difference between the experiences you are having and what you are imagining.

You might not know how you are going to transition into your new job or how you're going to get past your challenge, but you need to believe that it is going to happen to see the results.

Believe that you are a good person.

Believe that you can live as your authentic self.

Believe that you will be able to achieve the goals you set for yourself, no matter how big or small.

Believe that you are worth a lot more than you give yourself credit for.

Believe that you can develop meaningful relationships.

Believe that you can put yourself first and develop excellent boundary-setting skills.

What Are

Emotional Identification 
& Regulation Exercises?

For most neurodivergent people, being able to identify how we feel can seem nearly impossible, 
much less explaining to others why we are upset or what feelings we're experiencing. This frustration can lead to emotional dysregulation which can lead to emotional outbursts such as meltdowns, shutdowns, or burnout. 

The good news is: emotional identification and regulation are skills that you can develop, to make your life a little less challenging.

Neuroscience shows us that by using emotional identification and regulation techniques, you can learn how to take control of your thoughts and emotions, instead of letting them control you.
This will help you increase your self-confidence and emotional intelligence
by engaging in fact-based thinking that will help you improve your connection to your emotions and understanding of your own thought processes.

While positive thinking and affirmations may work for some neurotypicals, this way of thinking typically can't fool the neurodivergent brain, and ends up making us feel even more inadequate. We completely understand this, and will teach you how thinking factually and moving away from negative thinking is much more effective for neurodivergent people.

When you learn to identify your emotions, you can consequently learn how to control your own thoughts and emotionally regulate to avoid meltdowns, shutdowns, and burnout. 

When you develop the skill of mindful awareness, you will be able to keep focused on your positive self-growth and become less distracted by fear and other negative thoughts that are getting in your way of living your best life.

What Is

Behavior Modification?

You will learn how to alter certain behaviors that aren't serving you well in your life. 
By using both positive and negative reinforcement techniques, you will learn to get rid of those pesky habits and behaviors that you don't want and learn to create new positive habits.

By using fact-based affirmations, while accessing a more relaxed state of mind, a person can lower their stress and anxiety levels and encourage productivity.

By using reframing techniques, you will understand how to say 
"I CAN" and "I WILL" statements to self-affirm and reduce your stress levels.

We will work on all of this in our sessions and you'll be provided with various techniques you can practice outside of our sessions. It's the best way to help you make changes.

What Is


Not that long ago, we believed that our brains couldn’t change much, after childhood.
This is how the old saying “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” came to be.

Scientists believed that our brains were a fixed network, after the age of 10.  However, new advances in science prove that you “can teach an old dog new tricks” because our brains are continually changing and adjusting, throughout our lives. 

Our brains are adaptable, meaning it can be molded like plastic. Hence the term “neuroplasticity.” How does it all work?   
Think of your brain as billions of little pathways: freeways, highways, paved roads, and dirt roads.
There are different pathways that light up every time you feel, think, or do something. Some of these paths are very clear and well-built and make it easy for us to follow daily. These paths are called your habits. The routines that you have created for yourself. The way you feel, think or do things.  

Every time you feel a particular emotion, practice a task, or think in a certain way, you are strengthening and keeping your path clear for your thought train to ride down.

Now, say you want to think about something differently, learn a new task or feel a different emotion…
You start creating a new path. If you keep traveling on this dirt road, you begin to use this pathway more. 
Then, this new way of feeling, thinking, or doing becomes a habit, which turns into a new routine, which is strong and well-built like a freeway.

The old path gets used less and less and weakens. This process of rewiring your brain and creating a new pathway for your train of thought to pass through is called neuroplasticity.  It's pretty simple, right?

So, as you see, the old saying "you can’t teach a new dog new tricks" is incorrect. We all have the ability to learn and change by rewiring our brains.
If you want to change a habit, you just need to think of something differently.
You need to clear a new pathway for your thoughts. When you do this, you have experienced neuroplasticity.

The more you rehearse your new habits, over and over again, and the more focus you put towards making the new change, you can rewire your brain and make new, stronger paths for new thoughts to travel down. It's that simple!

When you believe that you can remove your blocks, conquer fear, upgrade your mindset, and achieve more in life, you will see the results start to happen. 

Request An 
Appointment, Today

The Neurolicity Team has been


Autism & ADHD Neurocoaching & Neuromentoring

An Invitation Only Service for High-Achieving Autistic & ADHD Women 

Our neurocoaching & neuromentoring are invitation-only services due to our highly-sought specialized approach.

Jess Pliszka and Jodi Pliszka offer neurocoaching and neuromentoring that requires a high level of commitment to make progress in sessions. Through a highly personalized and action-oriented approach, Jess & Jodi collaborate with clients to create a completely tailored neurocoaching and neuromentoring experience. During sessions, clients work with Jess & Jodi to implement a variety of cutting-edge techniques, such as cognitive priming, behavior modification, and evaluation of self-imposed expectations and beliefs. Jess & Jodi firmly believe that clients' success in neurocoaching and neuromentoring is a direct reflection of the effort they invest in the process. For a client to benefit from neurocoaching or neuromentoring, their commitment to progress is necessary.

As the only specialists who exclusively assist high-achieving Autistic and ADHD women, Jess & Jodi's services are highly-sought. Therefore, Jess & Jodi only work with hand-picked clients who they know will succeed in the neurocoaching or neuromentoring they offer because this approach is not a good fit for everyone. Only highly dedicated clients who are committed to making progress, learning, and reaching their goals are considered for this service.

If you resonate with the approach above and are an action-taking, high-achieving woman who would like to request to become an exclusive client of Jess Pliszka or Jodi Pliszka, you are welcome to contact us below.


A Short-Term, Goal-Focused, & Structured Action-Oriented Approach

What is Neurocoaching?

  • Short-term and Goal-focused: Neurocoaching is typically a short-term engagement that focuses on achieving specific goals.
  • Action-oriented: This approach is action-driven, with an emphasis on helping you develop strategies and take steps towards your objectives.
  • Structured Framework: Neurocoaching involves a structured framework that guides the sessions, with clear milestones and outcomes.

Neurocoaching is a structured and personalized approach that helps you create an action plan to achieve your goals, find your purpose, and strengthen your sense of self, while learning about your neurodivergence and needs. The process of neurocoaching is shorter-term, aiming to help you achieve specific goals. The neurocoaching process facilitates structured conversations through a solution-focused approach. With a focus on the present and future, your neurocoach will be your partner throughout your journey, working collaboratively with you to develop a deep human connection and bond based on honesty and openness. 

  • Develop effective routines and schedules to manage time better.
  • Create systems to keep track of tasks, documents, and personal items.
  • Build confidence and self-worth.
  • Enhance interpersonal skills and improve relationships.
  • Establish healthy habits and routines for physical and mental well-being
  • Learn techniques to manage emotions and cope with stress.

Start the screening process to see if you're a good fit for our neurocoaching services, and apply to become an exclusive client, below.


A Longer-Term, Supportive, Guidance-Focused, & Journey-Driven Approach

What is Neuromentoring?

  • Long-term Support: Neuromentoring provides a longer-term relationship, offering sustained support and guidance.
  • ​Journey-focused: This approach is tailored to assist you in understanding and embracing your neurodivergence, focusing on the entire journey rather than just the destination.
  • Guidance and Empowerment: Neuromentoring emphasizes guidance, personal growth, and empowerment, helping you to navigate your path with confidence over time.

Neuromentoring involves a supportive and empathetic approach tailored to your unique needs as an Autistic or ADHD woman. Your neuromentor provides not only expertise but also a deep understanding of neurodivergence, creating a supportive and inclusive environment. The process of neuromentoring is longer-term, allowing for the development of strategies that cater to the your specific learning and coping mechanisms. It's a collaborative journey where you and your neuromentor work together to harness strengths, navigate challenges, and achieve personal growth and success in a way that respects and celebrates your neurodivergence.

  • Navigate how to maintain your privacy and comfort while handling the demands of a public life, tailored to your unique needs as a neurodivergent woman who values personal space and quiet moments.
  • Learn to distinguish between genuine friendships and those who seek association for personal gain or public status.
  • Prioritize privacy by oversharing less, safeguarding your personal space and boundaries.
  • Embrace the journey of self-discovery, distinguishing your authentic self from the public image you present to the world.
  • Foster healthy and authentic relationships with yourself and with others by learning how to understand, label, and express your emotions and build your emotional intelligence.

Start the screening process to see if you're a good fit for our neuromentoring services, and apply to become an exclusive client, below.

Session Options

We want to ensure that your neurocoaching or neuromentoring experience is as comfortable as possible for you. To accommodate each client's unique needs, we offer three different session options to you.

  • Video sessions: a standard virtual face-to-face meeting where you and your specialist both have your cameras on.
  • Audio sessions: a meeting where you and your specialist leave your microphones on, but don't need to turn your cameras on.
  • Chat sessions: a meeting where you chat via written communication with your specialist, without needing to show up on camera or speak verbally.

You Will Feel Happier & Healthier

As Neurodivergent Specialists and Neurodivergent Women, it's our mission to use our expertise to help you feel better. We will meet you where you are currently at in life. We'll work collaboratively with you to set obtainable goals, while helping you with effective communication and coping skills, increased resilience and self-esteem, and positive self-reflection.

Neurocoaching and Neuromentoring Can Improve Your Life

Neurocoaching and neuromentoring can offer you the right amount of guidance and support needed to help you find your way toward a better life. Even if you are feeling a little lost right now, we can help guide you to making positive, long-lasting changes in your life.

Neurocoaching & Neuromentoring  can help you:

  • Find true happiness in life, again.
  • ​Reduce your stress and find peace and contentment.
  • ​Help you gain control over your thoughts and worry so you can live a happy life.
  • ​Help you find direction in life with less anxiety.

It's not always easy navigating through your challenges and sometimes it feels down right difficult, but there is good news: there is always hope, and there is always a way to help you feel better. We have the empathy and experience to help be your guide.

You Are Welcome To Apply to Become An Exclusive Client, Below

You'll be provided with a safe and soothing space, and we will offer you a variety of simple tools you can use to help you unveil your untapped potential. 

You deserve to feel heard and be understood. Humor, empathy, and a caring environment are the keys to your success, and we can offer you all of this, plus more. 

If you resonate with the approach above and would like to request admittance to Jess & Jodi's private client list, you are welcome to contact us below.

Change Your Brain, 

Change Your 

What Is Neurocoaching?

Our integration of neurocoaching and neuromentoring serves a dual definition with "neuro" being short for both "neuroscience" and "neurodiversity."

So, what does the integration of neuroscience into our practice look like?

You can learn how to change your brain in order to change your behavior. Think of it like this, we have the "instruction manual" that teaches you how to use your brain (kind of like stereo instructions). This can be really complicated to do on your own, but we simplify everything and make it super simple for you to understand.

And what does the integration of neurodiversity into our practice look like?

We believe that you deserve to understand how your unique brain works at a scientific level, in a simplified manner. Through psychoeducation, we will teach you how and why your Autistic and/or ADHD traits affect you and the processes in the brain that lead to these characteristics. 

You will become knowledgeable about various neurodivergent terminologies which will help you understand your various thought processes and behaviors. We will work with you and create a personalized plan that will help you understand your unique neurodivergent traits, and validate your own experience.

The Power of


By thinking into the future, you create new neural sequences that allow your brain to feel like this event has already happened. 
This way of thinking allows you to move into the ideal mindset; having a fact-based attitude that will train your brain into helping you find a way to make this happen. 

The unconscious part of your mind actually makes these events happen. Since we only use 5% of our conscious mind, it’s not in your best interest to try to control this part of your mind for success. 

It’s best to learn how to control the other 95% of the mind, the unconscious part of your brain. If you work on reprogramming your current thoughts & actions, you can turbo-charge your brain for success.

What Are 

Limiting Beliefs & Inner Conflicts?

You’ve hit a plateau. You are spinning your wheels trying to find a solution to your problems.
Most high-achieving women feel like there just isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done and keep asking themselves “how will I ever finish everything I need to get done?” We help you identify what your inner conflicts and limited beliefs are.

The little voice of fear starts entering your head and self-doubt starts creeping in. You start saying things like “I’m not good enough” or “why am I not normal?"

Soon, you begin comparing yourself to others and doubting yourself about every little thing.
Maybe you have let fear and anxiety infiltrate your life and overwhelm has set in and you are feeling burned out. You are starting to realize that you're taking one step forward and two steps back and getting nowhere.

The days, weeks, and months are melting away and you are getting anxious about the lack of progress that you are making. Maybe you are so overwhelmed that some days you just don’t feel like doing anything. 

You start doing "busy work" to feel important, but you are distracted and procrastinating. These feelings multiply your fear of not moving forward and the loop of doom continues. 
You need to learn to harness these feelings and use fear to fuel your success fire.
You'll identify what your inner conflicts and limited beliefs are. The inner conflict is like a wall that is keeping you stuck where you are right now from where you want to be. 

We want you to understand that the problem isn’t that you have something "wrong with you" or have limited resources to move forward, or that there are other people doing what you’re trying to do already…the problem is your negative internal beliefs and maladaptive expectations for yourself.
You are unaware that you have a belief or expectation that isn’t congruent with your current goals and plan of action. 
On one hand, you want a big friend group, but on the other hand, you feel like maintaining friendships is exhausting and not something you enjoy. You want to make friends, but you don't think that's possible.

Until you identify your inner conflicts and expectations, that wall between what you want to do and what you are doing now will remain up. Identifying the difference between what you truly desire and what you feel you "should" have or do is the key to your success.

We will help you deconstruct negative self- or societal-imposed limitations and expectations. Together, we will identify your neurodivergent traits and you will learn how to embrace your uniqueness, while working with your brain, instead of working against it.

What Is

Cognitive Priming?

The old adage “To See It Is to Believe It” is backward. It should be “Believe It and See It Happen.”
It’s just like an actor reading a script and getting into character. They believe that they are channeling the person with whom they are portraying. 

This belief helps us see the character on screen. For professional athletes, they use this same technique which is called “cognitive priming.” 

A diver will see the dive unfold in their mind before they even step on the platform. They will see the twists, the body posture, the execution, and the entry into the water with precision. 

They believe that they can make the dive with perfection, and then they see the results unfold as they enter the water with no splash at all.
Neuroscience shows that the brain doesn’t know the difference between the experiences you are having and what you are imagining.

You might not know how you are going to transition into your new job or how you're going to get past your challenge, but you need to believe that it is going to happen to see the results.
Believe that you are a good person.

Believe that you can live as your authentic self.

Believe that you will be able to achieve the goals you set for yourself, no matter how big or small.

Believe that you are worth a lot more than you give yourself credit for.

Believe that you can develop meaningful relationships.

Believe that you can put yourself first and develop excellent boundary-setting skills.

What Are

Emotional Identification 
& Regulation Exercises?

For most neurodivergent people, being able to identify how we feel can seem nearly impossible, 
much less explaining to others why we are upset or what feelings we're experiencing. This frustration can lead to emotional dysregulation which can lead to emotional outbursts such as meltdowns, shutdowns, or burnout. 

The good news is: emotional identification and regulation are skills that you can develop, to make your life a little less challenging.

Neuroscience shows us that by using emotional identification and regulation techniques, you can learn how to take control of your thoughts and emotions, instead of letting them control you.
This will help you increase your self-confidence and emotional intelligence
by engaging in fact-based thinking that will help you improve your connection to your emotions and understanding of your own thought processes.

While positive thinking and affirmations may work for some neurotypicals, this way of thinking typically can't fool the neurodivergent brain, and ends up making us feel even more inadequate. We completely understand this, and will teach you how thinking factually and moving away from negative thinking is much more effective for neurodivergent people.

When you learn to identify your emotions, you can consequently learn how to control your own thoughts and emotionally regulate to avoid meltdowns, shutdowns, and burnout. 

When you develop the skill of mindful awareness, you will be able to keep focused on your positive self-growth and become less distracted by fear and other negative thoughts that are getting in your way of living your best life.

What Is 

Behavior Modification?

You will learn how to alter certain behaviors that aren't serving you well in your life. 
By using both positive and negative reinforcement techniques, you will learn to get rid of those pesky habits and behaviors that you don't want and learn to create new positive habits.

By using fact-based affirmations, while accessing a more relaxed state of mind, a person can lower their stress and anxiety levels and encourage productivity.

By using reframing techniques, you will understand how to say "I CAN" and "I WILL" statements to self-affirm and reduce your stress levels.

We will work on all of this in our sessions and you'll be provided with various techniques you can practice outside of our sessions. It's the best way to help you make changes.

What Is


Not that long ago, we believed that our brains couldn’t change much, after childhood.
This is how the old saying “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” came to be.

Scientists believed that our brains were a fixed network, after the age of 10.  However, new advances in science prove that you “can teach an old dog new tricks” because our brains are continually changing and adjusting, throughout our lives. 

Our brains are adaptable, meaning it can be molded like plastic. Hence the term “neuroplasticity.” How does it all work?   
Think of your brain as billions of little pathways: freeways, highways, paved roads, and dirt roads.
There are different pathways that light up every time you feel, think, or do something. Some of these paths are very clear and well-built and make it easy for us to follow daily. These paths are called your habits. The routines that you have created for yourself. The way you feel, think or do things.  

Every time you feel a particular emotion, practice a task, or think in a certain way, you are strengthening and keeping your path clear for your thought train to ride down.

Now, say you want to think about something differently, learn a new task or feel a different emotion…
You start creating a new path. If you keep traveling on this dirt road, you begin to use this pathway more. 
Then, this new way of feeling, thinking, or doing becomes a habit, which turns into a new routine, which is strong and well-built like a freeway.

The old path gets used less and less and weakens. This process of rewiring your brain and creating a new pathway for your train of thought to pass through is called neuroplasticity.  It's pretty simple, right?

So, as you see, the old saying "you can’t teach a new dog new tricks" is incorrect. We all have the ability to learn and change by rewiring our brains.
If you want to change a habit, you just need to think of something differently.
You need to clear a new pathway for your thoughts. When you do this, you have experienced neuroplasticity.

The more you rehearse your new habits, over and over again, and the more focus you put towards making the new change, you can rewire your brain and make new, stronger paths for new thoughts to travel down. It's that simple!

When you believe that you can remove your blocks, conquer fear, upgrade your mindset, and achieve more in life, you will see the results start to happen. 

It's time to put your needs, first.

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deserve to be living!

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It's time to put your needs, first.

Start living the life you deserve to be living!

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We hear you, and we're here for you.


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