Autism & ADHD Specialists for 
High-Achieving Women

Experience The Luxury 
Boutique Neurodivergent 
Service You Rightfully Deserve, 
And Lead A Life Filled With 
Acceptance, Ambition
& Authenticity.

The Neurolicity Team has been


Request An 
Appointment, Today

We Specialize in
Working With


Our clients are self-made, highly successful Autistic & ADHD women, such as:

  • High-Profile Women & Celebrities
  • ​​Influencers & Disruptors
  • ​Professional Athletes 
  • ​Musicians & Artists
  • ​Actors
  • ​Public Figures
  • ​Legal Professionals
  • ​​Physicians & Clinicians
  • ​​Entrepreneurs & Business Owners
  • ​CEOs & Senior Management Executives

As a boutique private neurocoaching & neuromentoring practice, we work exclusively with neurodivergent women who:

  • ​Are goal-oriented & highly motivated
  • Strive for authenticity
  • Boldly embrace their individuality and refuse to conform to society's expectations of "normalcy."
  • Are internally driven, not defined by other's opinions
  • ​Have low support needs; independent but are not afraid to ask for help and value support systems
  • Proactively seek solutions instead of dwelling in mere complaints and helplessness.
  • ​​View their Autistic and/or ADHD experience as a unique way of thinking, behaving, and perceiving, not as a hindrance, misery, or self-deprecation

If this sounds like you, then you are in the right place. 

Envision achieving your goals in harmony with your neurodivergent mind.

Our purpose is to guide you through the intricacies of how your brain operates, enabling you to accommodate your needs and reach your full potential.

We are committed to helping you achieve genuine self-expression and are confident that together, we can make this your new reality.

Elevate Your Potential: 

A Neuroaffirming Oasis for 

Exceptional Service 

That Truly Matches 
Your Worth

Step into the realm of exclusivity with our premier, private neurocoaching & Neuromentoring services.

Meticulously crafted for high-profile women who are Autistic, ADHD, or questioning.

Embrace the luxury of growth and self-discovery from the comfort of your own space, with our sophisticated online platform that promises confidentiality and convenience.

Enhance Your Journey with Our Elite Neurocoaching & Neuromentoring:

  • Utmost Privacy: Engage in a secure digital environment where your privacy is our utmost priority, ensuring a sanctuary for your personal evolution.
  • ​Tailored Excellence: Experience personalized approaches and bespoke strategies that cater to your neurodivergent strengths, crafted by experts in neuroscience.
  • ​​Global Connectivity: Connect with world-renowned Autism & ADHD specialists from anywhere, on your schedule, aligning with your demanding lifestyle without compromising on quality.
  • ​​Cutting-Edge Tools: Leverage innovative neurocoaching & neuromentoring techniques with neuroscience methods that enhance cognitive performance, emotional regulation, and executive functioning.

Our service is not just a coaching or mentoring programit's a 
transformative experience.

Designed for those who lead in the limelight yet seek a personal touch in their developmental journey. Request an appointment today and unlock a world where your neurodivergence is not just accepted, but is your most celebrated asset.

Navigate Life’s Complexities with Confidence

Your Journey Is Not Traveled Alone

Do you relate to these experiences?

  • Are you an adult woman questioning Autism or ADHD?
  • ​Do you feel different than everyone else, like you're not "normal?"
  • ​Do feel socially awkward and experience sensory concerns? 
  • ​You are hardworking and goal-oriented, but often feel overwhelmed to the point of feeling like you are having a meltdown.
  • You strive to put your needs first, but struggle with perfectionism and self-limiting beliefs.
  • People don't take your concerns seriously because of your success or physical appearance.

If this resonates with you and you're ready to transform your life,

we're here for you

Jess Pliszka


As the leading specialists for high-achieving Autistic & ADHD women, 

We affirm your neurodivergence, advocating for a life that’s true to yourself, free from the constraints of self- or societal-imposed limitations and expectations. In collaboration, we’ll identify your distinct neurodivergent traits, guiding you to celebrate your individuality while working with your brain instead of working against it.

Our understanding of a high-pressure lifestyle is intimate and informed. Jess’s upbringing by a high-achieving, successful mother, Jodi, and her early exposure to the spotlight have given her a profound perspective of these dynamics. Jodi’s experiences in the public eye equip her to connect with you on a personal level.

We hold your privacy in the highest regard and are committed to helping you as a complete human being, without being defined by your status. Our goal is to guide you toward the freedom and validation that you deserve.

Jodi Pliszka


As esteemed Autism & ADHD Specialists, 

We work collaboratively with you and believe your voice and experiences are most important; we know undoubtedly that nothing will ever be as valuable as your lived experience in our collective endeavor. You are the foremost expert on your life, and our joint efforts will foster your growth into the fullest expression of your neurodivergent identity.

We will illuminate the inner workings of your mind at the most fundamental level, empowering you to embrace your neurodivergent traits and discard counterproductive thoughts and actions that hinder your development and potential.

As Autistic & ADHD women, we resonate with your experiences profoundly. You are not alone; our dedication is to ensure you feel accepted, valued, and supported.

At Neurolicity, we are

bold industry disruptors. 

We think differently.

We have the confidence and expertise to revolutionize neurodivergent care and bring about meaningful change. We are not afraid to question limiting norms and challenge existing policies. We are committed to making a significant impact that will benefit Autistic & ADHD women for years to come.

We do what therapists are too afraid to do. 

It's important to know that while most mental health clinicians have good intentions, their blind adherence to protocols without deeper analysis or questioning leads to the perpetuation of misinformation and can restrict your treatment options and inhibit your growth, causing more harm than good. 

We offer innovative care without the restrictions that therapists uphold, allowing you growth without limitation.

We make change; 
we don't just hope for it.

Our team of highly dedicated specialists at Neurolicity is deeply committed to breaking down the barriers that prevent Autistic and ADHD women from accessing quality neurodivergent care. We work tirelessly to ensure that we are consistently implementing the latest, most effective, and accurate approaches for Autistic & ADHD women in our coaching & mentoring practice. We push the boundaries of care norms and policies while upholding the highest legal standards.

Join us in our mission to provide superior care and services to Autistic & ADHD women. Together, we will create the exceptional and inclusive experience you rightfully deserve.


Neurocoaching & Neuromentoring

What's the difference between neurocoaching & Neuromentoring?


  • Short-term and Goal-focused: Neurocoaching is typically a short-term engagement that focuses on achieving specific goals.
  • Action-oriented: This approach is action-driven, with an emphasis on helping you develop strategies and take steps towards your objectives.
  • Structured Framework: Neurocoaching involves a structured framework that guides the sessions, with clear milestones and outcomes.

Neurocoaching is a structured and personalized approach that helps you create an action plan to achieve your goals, find your purpose, and strengthen your sense of self, while learning about your neurodivergence and needs. The process of neurocoaching is shorter-term, aiming to help you achieve specific goals. The neurocoaching process facilitates structured conversations through a solution-focused approach. With a focus on the present and future, your neurocoach will be your partner throughout your journey, working collaboratively with you to develop a deep human connection and bond based on honesty and openness. 


  • Long-term Support: Neuromentoring provides a longer-term relationship, offering sustained support and guidance.
  • ​Journey-focused: This approach is tailored to assist you in understanding and embracing your neurodivergence, focusing on the entire journey rather than just the destination.
  • Guidance and Empowerment: Neuromentoring emphasizes guidance, personal growth, and empowerment, helping you to navigate your path with confidence over time.

Neuromentoring involves a supportive and empathetic approach tailored to your unique needs as an Autistic or ADHD woman. Your neuromentor provides not only expertise but also a deep understanding of neurodivergence, creating a supportive and inclusive environment. The process of neuromentoring is longer-term, allowing for the development of strategies that cater to the your specific learning and coping mechanisms. It's a collaborative journey where you and your neuromentor work together to harness strengths, navigate challenges, and achieve personal growth and success in a way that respects and celebrates your neurodivergence.

As neurodivergent specialists and neurodivergent women, we understand you on a deeper level. Our specialists are extremely relatable because they are open about their own neurodivergent traits and experiences, allowing you to feel seen, heard, validated, and understood. Our unique combination of specialized expertise in Autism & ADHD in high-achieving women, along with our lived experience, makes us one-of-a-kind. We are the best fit for highly successful women who are ready to find their authentic neurodivergent selves and take control of their lives.

Our Mission In Our Community...

Is to advocate for the acceptance and rights of Autistic and ADHD women

Autistic & ADHD women 
are among the most misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed people.

Most doctors and mental health professionals are uninformed about female presentations of Autism and ADHD, especially those who are high-achieving and have low support needs, leading to misdiagnoses and invalidation of concerns.

Having your concerns be brushed off can be detrimental to your wellbeing and lead to an increased insecurity of self, and violation of civil rights.

Neurodivergent women have an absolute right to receive proper accommodations without any questioning or denial, and their rights are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Fair Housing Act (FHA). It is our firm commitment to inform our clients, business owners, doctors, clinicians, and the public about the codes and laws that protect neurodivergent and disabled individuals, empowering them with the freedom they rightfully deserve.

​​You deserve to finally understand and accept yourself for who you are

without others trying to fit you into a box you don't belong in.

It's time to put your needs, first.

Start living the life you 
deserve to be living!

We hear you, and 
we're here for you.

Request An Appointment, Below


You Deserve To Live Your Most Authentic 
Neurodivergent Life.

Copyright 2024 | Neurolicity, LLC |
All Rights Reserved

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International Industry-Leading
Autism & ADHD Specialists 
for High-Achieving Women

Experience the Luxury boutique Neurodivergent service 
you rightfully deserve, and lead a life filled with
Acceptance, ambition, & authenticity.

The Neurolicity Team has been


Request An Appointment, Today

We Specialize in

Working With High-Achievers

Our clients are 
self-made, highly successful 
Autistic & ADHD women, such as:

  • ​High-Profile Women & Celebrities
  • ​​Influencers & Disruptors
  • ​Professional Athletes
  • ​Public Figures
  • ​Musicians & Artists
  • ​Actors
  • ​Legal Professionals
  • ​Physicians & Clinicians
  • ​Entrepreneurs & Business Owners
  • ​CEOs & Senior Management Executives

As a boutique private neurocoaching & Neuromentoring practice, we work exclusively with neurodivergent women who:

  • ​Are goal-oriented and highly motivated
  • Strive for authenticity
  • Boldly embrace their individuality and refuse to conform to society's expectations of "normalcy."
  • Are internally driven, not defined by other's opinions
  • Have low support needs; independent but are not afraid to ask for help and value support systems
  • Proactively seek solutions instead of dwelling in mere complaints and helplessness.
  • ​View their Autistic and/or ADHD experience as a unique way of thinking, behaving, and perceiving, not as a hindrance, misery, or self-deprecation. 

If this sounds like you, then you are in the right place. 

Envision achieving your goals in harmony with your neurodivergent mind.

Our purpose is to guide you through the intricacies of how your brain operates, enabling you to accommodate your needs and reach your full potential.

We are committed to helping you achieve genuine self-expression and are confident that together, we can make this your new reality.

Elevate Your Potential: 

A Neuroaffirming Oasis for Self-Discovery

Exceptional service

That Truly matches your worth

Step into the realm of exclusivity with our premier, private neurocoaching & Neuromentoring services.

Meticulously crafted for high-profile women who are Autistic, ADHD, or questioning. Embrace the luxury of growth and self-discovery from the comfort of your own space, with our sophisticated online platform that promises confidentiality and convenience.

Enhance Your Journey with Our 
Elite Neurocoaching & Neuromentoring:

  • Utmost Privacy: Engage in a secure digital environment where your privacy is our utmost priority, ensuring a sanctuary for your personal evolution.
  • Tailored Excellence: Experience personalized approaches and bespoke strategies that cater to your neurodivergent strengths, crafted by experts in neuroscience.
  • ​Global Connectivity: Connect with world-renowned Autism & ADHD specialists from anywhere, on your schedule, aligning with your demanding lifestyle without compromising on quality.
  • Cutting-Edge Tools: Leverage innovative neurocoaching & neuromentoring techniques with neuroscience methods that enhance cognitive performance, emotional regulation, and executive functioning.

Our service is not just a coaching or mentoring program—it's a transformative experience.

Designed for those who lead in the limelight yet seek a personal touch in their developmental journey. Request an appointment today and unlock a world where your neurodivergence is not just accepted, but is your most celebrated asset.

Navigate Life’s Complexities with Confidence

Your Journey Is Not Traveled Alone

Do you relate to these experiences?

  • Are you an adult woman questioning Autism or ADHD? 
  • Do you feel different than everyone else, like you're not "normal?"
  • Do feel socially awkward and experience sensory concerns? 
  • ​You are hardworking and goal-oriented, but often feel overwhelmed to the point of feeling like you are having a meltdown. 
  • You strive to put your needs first, but struggle with perfectionism and self-limiting beliefs.
  • People don't take your concerns seriously because of your success or physical appearance 

If this resonates with you and you're 
ready to transform your life,

we're here for you

Jess Pliszka


Jodi Pliszka


As the trusted, industry-leading specialists for high-achieving Autistic & ADHD women, 

We affirm your neurodivergence, advocating for a life that’s true to yourself, free from the constraints of self- or societal-imposed limitations and expectations. In collaboration, we’ll identify your distinct neurodivergent traits, guiding you to celebrate your individuality while working with your brain instead of working against it.

Our understanding of a high-pressure lifestyle is intimate and informed. Jess’s upbringing by a high-achieving, successful mother, Jodi, and her early exposure to the spotlight have given her a profound perspective of these dynamics. Jodi’s experiences in the public eye equip her to connect with you on a personal level.

We hold your privacy in the highest regard and are committed to helping you as a complete human being, without being defined by your status. Our goal is to guide you toward the freedom and validation that you deserve.

As esteemed Autism & ADHD Specialists, 

We work collaboratively with you and believe your voice and experiences are most important; we know undoubtedly that nothing will ever be as valuable as your lived experience in our collective endeavor. You are the foremost expert on your life, and our joint efforts will foster your growth into the fullest expression of your neurodivergent identity.

We will illuminate the inner workings of your mind at the most fundamental level, empowering you to embrace your neurodivergent traits and discard counterproductive thoughts and actions that hinder your development and potential.

As Autistic & ADHD women, we resonate with your experiences profoundly. You are not alone; our dedication is to ensure you feel accepted, valued, and supported.

At Neurolicity, we are

bold industry disruptors. 

We think differently.

We have the confidence and expertise to revolutionize neurodivergent care and bring about meaningful change. We are not afraid to question limiting norms and challenge existing policies. We are committed to making a significant impact that will benefit Autistic & ADHD women for years to come.

We do what therapists are 
too afraid to do.

It's important to know that while most mental health clinicians have good intentions, their blind adherence to protocols without deeper analysis or questioning leads to the perpetuation of misinformation and can restrict your treatment options and inhibit your growth, causing more harm than good. We offer innovative care without the restrictions that therapists uphold, allowing you growth without limitation.

We make change; 
we don't just hope for it.

Our team of highly dedicated specialists at Neurolicity is deeply committed to breaking down the barriers that prevent Autistic and ADHD women from accessing quality neurodivergent care. We work tirelessly to ensure that we are consistently implementing the latest, most effective, and accurate approaches for Autistic & ADHD women in our coaching & mentoring practice. We push the boundaries of care norms and policies while upholding the highest legal standards.

Join us in our mission to provide superior care and services to Autistic & ADHD women. Together, we will create the exceptional and inclusive experience you rightfully deserve.

Testimonials & Endorsements

Neurocoaching & Neuromentoring 

What's the difference between neurocoaching & Neuromentoring?


  • Short-term and Goal-focused: Neurocoaching is typically a short-term engagement that focuses on achieving specific goals.
  • Action-oriented: This approach is action-driven, with an emphasis on helping you develop strategies and take steps towards your objectives.
  • Structured Framework: Neurocoaching involves a structured framework that guides the sessions, with clear milestones and outcomes.

Neurocoaching is a structured and personalized approach that helps you create an action plan to achieve your goals, find your purpose, and strengthen your sense of self, while learning about your neurodivergence and needs. The process of neurocoaching is shorter-term, aiming to help you achieve specific goals. The neurocoaching process facilitates structured conversations through a solution-focused approach. With a focus on the present and future, your neurocoach will be your partner throughout your journey, working collaboratively with you to develop a deep human connection and bond based on honesty and openness. 


  • Long-term Support: Neuromentoring provides a longer-term relationship, offering sustained support and guidance.
  • ​Journey-focused: This approach is tailored to assist you in understanding and embracing your neurodivergence, focusing on the entire journey rather than just the destination.
  • Guidance and Empowerment: Neuromentoring emphasizes guidance, personal growth, and empowerment, helping you to navigate your path with confidence over time.

Neuromentoring involves a supportive and empathetic approach tailored to your unique needs as an Autistic or ADHD woman. Your neuromentor provides not only expertise but also a deep understanding of neurodivergence, creating a supportive and inclusive environment. The process of neuromentoring is longer-term, allowing for the development of strategies that cater to the your specific learning and coping mechanisms. It's a collaborative journey where you and your neuromentor work together to harness strengths, navigate challenges, and achieve personal growth and success in a way that respects and celebrates your neurodivergence.

As neurodivergent specialists and neurodivergent women, we understand you on a deeper level. Our specialists are extremely relatable because they are open about their own neurodivergent traits and experiences, allowing you to feel seen, heard, validated, and understood. Our unique combination of specialized expertise in Autism & ADHD in high-achieving women, along with our lived experience, makes us one-of-a-kind. We are the best fit for highly successful women who are ready to find their authentic neurodivergent selves and take control of their lives.

Our Mission In Our Community...

Is to advocate for the acceptance and rights of Autistic and ADHD women

Autistic & ADHD women are among the most misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed people.

Most doctors and mental health professionals are uninformed about female presentations of Autism and ADHD, especially those who are high-achieving and have low support needs, leading to misdiagnose and invalidation of concerns.

Having your concerns be brushed off can be detrimental to your wellbeing and lead to an increased insecurity of self, and violation of civil rights.

Neurodivergent women have an absolute right to receive proper accommodations without any questioning or denial, and their rights are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Fair Housing Act (FHA). It is our firm commitment to inform our clients, business owners, doctors, clinicians, and the public about the codes and laws that protect neurodivergent and disabled individuals, empowering them with the freedom they rightfully deserve.

You deserve to finally understand and accept yourself for who you are

without others trying to fit you into a box you don't belong in.

It's time to put your needs, first.

Start living the life you deserve to be living!

Request An Appointment, Below

We hear you, and we're here for you.


You Deserve To Live Your Most 
Authentic Neurodivergent Life.

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Copyright 2024  |  Neurolicity, LLC  |  All Rights Reserved